How to Have Glass Skin: A Holistic Approach to Skincare

Apr 4, 2023 | Skincare

Looking good is overrated. There, we said it.

We see it everywhere. In advertisements, on social media, scattered across pop culture. We’re constantly bombarded with a certain standard of attractiveness but the truth is, this is all very surface level. What’s going on inside you matters too. And honestly, it makes sense when you think about it – when you feel good, you look good!

Your skin is often the first thing people notice about you. Being the largest organ in the body, how can they not, right? But seriously, the skin is more than just a human’s first layer of protection from the outside world; it’s also a reflection of one’s inner health. Think of your skin as a canvas and your lifestyle is the paint bringing it to life. Like it or not, your habits and your lifestyle play a huge factor when it comes to your overall wellbeing – and it shows.

Beauty Starts from the Inside Out
The butterfly effect tells us small changes can have large consequences, because everything in nature is connected – the same can be said for your body. When it comes to skincare, people often tend to zero in on the external appearance. Skincare, however, goes beyond the day-to-day products you have on rotation. It’s not only about what you put on your skin, it’s about taking care of your entire self, inside and out.

At its core, Holistic Beauty is about looking at the bigger picture. A holistic approach draws on the Greek concept of ‘a whole;’ in the context of skincare, one must consider the different aspects of an individual – from diet, to emotional state, and even lifestyle choices. We’re moving into a time where we view beauty in its entirety. Instead of depending on quick fixes and band-aid solutions, it’s imperative we address the root of the problem by understanding our bodies and becoming more in tune with our health.

Skincare is Skin Deep
Healthy skin has a lot to do with the choices you make. Unfortunately for all of us, unhealthy practices can’t be covered up with a concealer (no matter how good the concealer)! The relationship between your inner and outer health goes both ways, that’s why it’s so important to take care of your skin from the inside out.

A holistic approach to skincare is a great place to start; not only is it an excellent way to boost your skin health, it also contributes to a healthier you. Let’s get down to it, shall we?

1. Just add water.
Fun fact: humans are made up of 60% water. Yep, we’re mostly liquid… which is why we need to stay hydrated. We release excess water naturally on a regular basis (i.e. sweat, trips to the bathroom) so we need to replenish what we’ve lost. Not only does water help your organs perform at an optimal level, it also flushes out toxins, and keeps your skin from drying out. As a standard, drink at least 8 glasses a day. The more, the better!

2. Prioritize sleep.
Ever woken up with dark circles and puffy eyes? Chances are, you didn’t get a sufficient amount of rest from the night before. We’re here to tell you beauty sleep is very much a real thing. Sleep is your body’s way of repairing itself so when you don’t give it enough time to recover and rejuvenate, well, it’s going to show. Make sure to try and average on 7 hours every night – yes, power naps are much appreciated too.

3. Good food, great life.
You know that saying, ‘you are what you eat?” Even our ancestors agree diet is a pillar of health and that’s because the food we put into our body plays a part in our appearance and functionality. You know who benefits the most from a healthy diet? That’s right, it’s your skin!

We’re not saying you can’t indulge every now and then! We’re saying balance is key. Fruits and veggies are rich in vitamins, minerals, as well as fiber – incorporating these into your diet can go a long way to promoting healthy skin and keeping you in tip-top shape. Don’t shy away from lean meats either! Protein is one of the building blocks of tissue, helping you maintain your skin’s firmness.

4. Get up and get moving.
A wise woman by the name of Elle Woods once said, “exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.” The endorphin high you get after exercising boosts your mood and improves your energy levels, providing you with a readiness to help you face the day ahead.

Don’t like sweating? You’ll be surprised to know how much the effort used to produce those tiny, salty beads contribute to your overall complexion. Exercise improves your blood flow which, in turn, helps keep your skin supple and clear. Whether you enjoy HIIT, weights, dancing or running, it doesn’t matter. Exercise is exercise and boy, is it good for you. Nothing like a gym glow!

5. Manage your stress levels.
Cortisol is a hormone released by your adrenal glands. It helps regulate your metabolism, blood pressure, and blood sugar, and plays an essential function when your body is put under stress. Like anything else, too much cortisol is bad for you and can often lead to several health issues, including skin abnormalities.

Don’t stress” is definitely easier said than done, but you can find ways to manage it. Apart from getting enough sleep, eating right, and working out, taking time to unwind and relax can go a long way. Some people try yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises – find what works for you. If, and when, you can, don’t take life too seriously; enjoy yourself and have a laugh every now and then.

Understand your skin and its needs. Be mindful when selecting the products you apply on your skin. To take out the guesswork, try our hello, glass skin! products. It’s our fresh take on clean beauty, mindfully created with safe and non-toxic ingredients to help you achieve your best skin yet. But know this route can only take you so far! By striking a balance between your inner and outer health, you can help yourself achieve a healthy glow which reflects your overall wellness. And if you look good doing it, it’s a great bonus.

Your skin matters, freshies!

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